
Key Features & SpecificationsView internal FPGA activity correlated to external analog events
  • Gain visibility into your Xlinx FPGA's internal activity.
  • Access up to 64 internal signals for each pin dedicated to debug
Make multiple measurements in seconds
  • Switch internal probe points in seconds. Moving probe points internal to an FPGA is time consuming on instruments without this capability. Now, in less than a second you can easily measure a different set of internal signals without changing your FPGA design.
Leverage the work you did in your design environment
  • Automatic mapping of internal signal names to MSO labels leverages the work you did in your design environment.
  • Requires Xilinx ISE and ChipScope Pro (not supported for designs created using Vivado)
Supported oscilloscopes
  • Infiniium 9000A Series
  • Infiniium 9000 H-Series
  • Infiniium 90000 X-Series
DescriptionKeysight's FPGA dynamic probe application accelerates debug of systems with FPGAs. The application reduces instrument setup time allowing the first internal FPGA measurement to be made in minutes. Successive incremental internal measurements can be done in seconds without stopping the FPGA, modifying the HDL design, or changing timing.Keysight's FPGA dynamic probe application software interfaces with an ATC2 on-chip debug core included in Xilinx ChipScope Pro software.Learn more about FPGA Design / Development Solution''